Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Ikea Plant


ince the spider plant was doing quite well, I thought we could bring it a friend. (Yes, I’m anthropomorphizing the plant – I can’t have pets in my apartment.) A trip to Ikea to get some furniture led to the discovery of plants in a far corner. A tiny tropical fern of sorts caught my eye and it came home.

Our first apartment had a heat problem. Being on the first floor of an old building meant that, even in the dead of winter, our apartment was about 80 degrees. It was customary to come home from work and put on shorts and a t-shirt and then start sweating. We left the windows open at night for fear of heatstroke. Did I mention that the heaters were completely turned off? This was just the heat that was escaping the off radiators. We may have been sweating it out, but our Ikea plant was loving it. It grew by leaps and bounds, throwing off new shoots every week.

Our new apartment has a different heat issue. Well, it’s a lack of insulation issue to be more exact. Our Ikea plant is not so happy. We found a sunny place for it, fairly close to the space heater and we’re hoping it will forgive us. I’ve been debating finding a glass bell for it, but it would have to be HUGE!

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